Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Up and At It

"ALL at it--and ALWAYS at it!"

This was what John Wesley endeavored to impress upon all his followers--and this is what we would like to see impressed upon the mind of every Christian. We have much to do--and we have little time to do it in. We had need therefore, to be up and at it!

If ignorance is to be chased away,
if gospel knowledge is to be circulated,
if souls are to be saved,
if children are to be taught,
if churches are to grow,
if villages, towns, and cities are to be evangelized
--then we had need be ALL at it--and ALWAYS at it!

This is just . . .
what the times call for,
what the Gospel inculcates,
what Satan dreads,
what the carnal world dislikes--
therefore let us be "all at it--and always at it."

Let everyone undertake that part of the work for which he is most adapted--and persevere in that which he commences.

How many there are who profess Christ--who are doing nothing!
How many may easily do twice as much as they currently do.
Is it surprising . . .
that the church is in such a poor spiritual state,
that Popery spreads,
that ignorance prevails,
that congregations are thin,
that little is accomplished,
that ministers are dispirited, and
that mature Christians are going home to sigh?
No! It is not at all surprising! The wonder is, that things are not worse!

Self-denial is rarely practiced,
the flesh is indulged,
the world is loved,
the earthly is preferred to the spiritual--and the present to the future.

Let us all go at it, and let us be always at it--until we hear the Master's voice calling unto us and saying, "Well done, good and faithful servants, enter into the joy of your Lord!"

But if we . . .
neglect duty,
despise warning,
love ease,
court pleasure,
hunt for honor,
use our Lord's money selfishly,
and settle down upon our lees--
we shall by and bye see the day, when we will wish we had been ALL at it--and ALWAYS at it!

1 Corinthians 15:58

58Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.